- Embodies and intensifies the benefits of regular Castor Oil.
- Its thicker consistency allows you to apply it without running or dripping as much as regular Castor Oil.
- Is concentrated using the powerfully healing ozonation process.
- Allows a little to go a long way (less is needed).
- Allows the healing properties of Castor Oil and Oxygen molecules combined to accelerate the healing process.
- Has become known as a major component in the fight against Lyme Disease and co-infections.
Organic Ozonated Castor Oil

What is Organic Ozonated Castor Oil?
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In "Klinghardt Biological treatment of Lyme disease Protocol", Klinghardt outlines use of:
Hexane is used as a commercial industiral solvent extraction process, which would mean it is no longer Organic!
What is Ozonated Oil?
Nicola Tesla was a contemporary of Thomas Edison. Nicola Tesler began marketing Ozonated Olive Oil to medical doctors. He chose Olive Oil because of it's availabilty and high burn factor, not for any particular healing properties of Olive Oil.
Nicola Tesler was a world famous electrical genius, visionary and mystic with over 300 patents, including AC and wireless communication, ionized gases, cold plasma, and ozone generation for oxyen therapy. Nicola Tesla started the Tesla Ozone Company and sold to Naturopaths, Allopaths and Doctors, ozonated oils of various types.
(Please email us with requests for other types of ozonated oils)
In recent years, much research has been done in Europe on Ozonated Oils also called Rizoles, in particular Ozonated Castor Oil - which has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of Lyme's Disease, oral and mucous membrane diseases such as the treatment of these diseases with Ozonated Castor Oil is worth continuing.
In 1924, Edgar Cayce gave a reading for a male adult who was dealing with an advanced sarcoma,
Edgar Cayce suggested the use of Castor Oil for many conditions.
This was found to be so effective that many naturopathic doctors recommend castor oil for treatment of many of these conditions found in the Edgar Cayce readings.
This Ozonated Castor Oil is made with pure Castor Oil from castor beans from the Palma Christi plant.

Bot.) A plant (Ricinus communis) with ornamental peltate and palmately cleft foliage, growing as a woody perennial in the tropics, and cultivated as an herbaceous annual in temperate regions; - called also castor-oil plant A large shrub of tropical Africa and Asia having large palmate leaves and spiny capsules containing seeds that are the source of castor oil and ricin; widely naturalized throughout the tropics
Known to many as the "Palma Christi" or "hand of Christ" for its palm-shaped leaves and incredible healing power, castor oil is an ancient remedy traditionally used in Europe and the Middle East to treat almost any symptom or problem. It is recommended by Edgar Cayce to heal the skin, digestive system, joint pain, muscle injuries, back pain, lymph nodes, warts, allergies, sleep disorders, hyperactivity and more.
Organic Ozonated Castor Oil is made using the
Our Organic Ozonated Castor Oil comes in a 2 oz or 4 oz bottle (plastic or glass) and is made by us the United States using local sources. It is very price effective compared to the European Rizoles (30ml).
Our Organic Ozonated Castor Oil is made with the stringent care which our other Edgar Cayce products are made.
Edgar Cayce Uses and Applications of Castor Oil
Edgar Cayce readings discuss benefits of Castor Oil for uses for
- Earaches
- Tinnitus
- Wound Healing
- Warts
- Snoring
- Skin conditons
- Hair Growth
- Sprains and Pains
- Back Pain
- Cataracts
"We wanted to provided some more feedback on the ozonated castor oil.
We have a client that has a trigeminal neuralgia and it is extremely painful.
Most pain meds do not touch this pain resulting in many with this condition resulting in suicide.
She has been using the oil on her face with good results and on her arthritic hips too.
The hip pain use to keep her up, but no more. We are finding more and more uses, thanks for producing this product."Springfield Holistic /Retreat
12300 Hickey Ave
Davisburg, Michigan

For more difficult cases, where the eye membrane has become thicker such as
- Dry Eye condtions
- Cataracts
- Pinguecula
- Pterygium
We have used our Ozonated Castor Oil for treatment of Cataracts, and have testimonies that for some people, the Castor Oil eye drops have been effective.
In our experience, we have noticed that Castor Oil can soften the inflammation of Pinguecula and Pterygiums, but does not dissolve them. Unfortunately, even surgery does not guarantee the permanent removal of scar tissue from the eyes, as ther have been cases of pterygiums growing back after surgery.
It is recommended to wear dark UV protective sunglasses to slow the progression of pterygiums. It is our experience that our Energy Enhanced Organic Ozonated Castor Oil can help some cases, by reducing the inflammation. Our Energy Enhanced selections take into consideration enery frequencies that support the reduction of inflammation of the eyes as well as other inflammatory conditions.
- Obtain a sterile eye dropper
- Place the tip of the eye dropper into the bottle of Organic Ozonated Castor Oil and draw out a small amount
- Note: with the Organic Ozonated Castor Oil, use only a small drop.
- Lay the head back, preferably on a bed pillow while laying down.
- Administer a small drop at the inside corner of each eye
- Note: You will feel a slight stinging or burning sensation, as the active ingredients touch the eye membrane.
- The stinging should last less than a minute.
- If it persists longer, you may have added too much, or you have a more serious eye infection
- If it persists, wipe out the excess and go to see a doctor, as you may have an eye infection that requires a prescription medication