Edgar Cayce White Russian Massage Oil for Arthritis

Fresh new batch of White Russian - Back in Stock October 2021

Commonly known as the arthritis massage oil or muscle oil as it was oft times suggested to help relieve stiff joints and aching muscles.

White Russian massage oil is a deep penetrating oil which uses as its base the Silky Smooth massage oil, and Edgar Cayce Remedy, for Therapeutic massages.

From there we head off in directions that cover an assortment of influences including a predominance of Russian White oil (USP), as well as cedar wood and pine needle oils, benzoin (which is not a chemical but rather a rather rare, natural tree sap which is native to Vietnam), and last but not least, sassafras root oil.

During the discussion of this concept which covered literally dozens of readings, concentrations and percentages varied as Mr. Cayce addressed individual situations and other oils crept into the mix on occasion, but the running theme lies herein.

US Orders
$35 Priority Mail: $9
118.3 ml Canada First Class: $ 21
118.3 ml Canada Priority Mail shipping $ 29.75
118.3 ml each International First Class Mail: $25.50 USD

US Orders
$58 for 2 bottles (4 oz each) Priority Mail: $9
2 bottles (118.3 ml each) Canada First Class: $ 21
2 bottles (118.3 ml each) Canada Priority Mail shipping $ 29.75
2 bottles (118.3 ml each) International First Class Mail: $29.50 USD

  • US Orders
    $25 per 2 oz bottle shipping: $4.75
  • Canada
    59.15 ml bottle Canada shipping $ 21
  • International
    59.15 ml bottle International shipping: $30 USD
Benefits of our ingredients
After researching many Edgar Cayce Readings, this original Edgar Cayce recipe for treatment of Athritis, Multiple Sceloris, joint pain, fractures, and sprains are in this product:
Edgar Cayce Remedy for Arthritis
Background: Pine oil is distilled from any or all portions of the white pine tree. The white pine is native to eastern North America.  This five-needled pine is an asymmetrical tree that can grow up to 200 ft. high.  The bark darkens to gray-brown as the tree ages, becoming deeply furrowed, with rectangular scales. The bark has a fragrance similar to tea.  The needles are 2 to 4 inches long, and the tapering cones grow 3 to 10 inches long. The Iroquois utilized an extract of the inner bark as an ingredient in cough medicines and for soothing irritated mucous membranes. Some modern herbalist use white pine oil in ointments and bath salts.

White Cedar (Melia Azedarach) - Neem Oil

The basis for this Edgar Cayce Remedy is White Cedar Oil, which we currently recognize as Neem Oil. Both the South American Indians and East Indians have long used this oil. It has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for a variety of skin diseases including parasites and hook worm.

In American Indian folk medicine it has been used as an insecticide against ticks, lice, and rodents.

Antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal potentials of the plant extra c t s h ave been reported by many investigators, working on human and animal diseas e s . Among these diseases are skin Cellulitis and herpes simplex.

White Russian Cedar and White Pine Oil in the Cayce Readings
White pine oil was mentioned in approximately 28 readings between 1917 and 1934 for both internal and external applications:
  • It was typically combined with other ingredients (most often eucalyptol or benzosol) as an inhalant for cough and congestion.
  • White pine oil was also used as an ingredient in massage oils.
  • In at least 6 readings white pine oil was included in a medicinal compound containing small amounts of heroin and other ingredients.  The formula was to be taken orally.  Most of these cases involved serious respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis.
  • Reading 601-4 contains a general purpose cough syrup formula that includes syrup of white pine.
Edgar Cayce Quotes on Russian White Oil and White Pine Pine Oil

325-11 ~

  For the cough or congestion we would use oil of white pine twenty minims, in four ounces Spirits Frumenti, shaken well together, see, and the dose would be half a teaspoonful about three times each day - oftener if the cough produces nausea, see.


~There should be given at this time, first the air that the body inhales should be ladened with Eucalyptol and Creosote, equal parts in water boiling, and the fumes from same in the air the body breathes.
There should be given immediately to the body inhalations from brandy (apply brandy), or from pure grain alcohol.
There should be given as medicinal properties, this as a dose:
Eucalyptol 1 minim
Benzosol 2 minims
Oil of White Pine 1 minim
Heroin 1/60 grain
These should be confined in capsules and given to the body one every four hours, until relief is given, for this will act directly with the heart's forces, the digestion, the blood supply and respiratory system.


~ For the congestion those properties as would be found in the inhalation of equal parts of:
Eucalyptol Benzosol Oil of White Pine Tincture of Balsam of Tolu, or Tincture of Tolu
in very hot water, and inhale these fumes deep into the bronchials and lungs, and through nostrils also.


    Use as an inhalant, not too often but at least once each day before retiring:
    To four ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:
Eucalyptol 20 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp 15 minims,
Canadian Balsam 15 minims,
Oil of White Pine 10 minims.

    Some of these are nearer the same proportion.  However,  in the strength as given for each, each has its mission to perform in the lung and blood supply, and will affect the organs of the system in the correct manner.


    Then we would have this prepared as an expectorant and as an aid to the eliminations in the alimentary canal (and this would be a very good cough syrup for anyone to have!):
    To 4 ounces of compound Simple Syrup, add - IN THE ORDER NAMED:
Eucalyptol, Oil of 20 minims,
Syrup of Rhubarb 1/4 ounce,
Syrup of White Pine 1/4 ounce,
Glycerine 20 minims,
Chloroform 5 minims.

    Shake the solution together before the dosage is taken, which would be a teaspoonful every two to three hours.

Ligamentous sprain becomes a problem often, both acute and chronic.   see case [438].    Other suggestions to speed up the healing process appeared in the readings.  An oil for massage can be made up by taking four ounces of peanut oil, then adding in order: two ounces of oil of pine needles, one ounce of oil of sassafras root, and one tablespoon of melted lanolin.  This was suggested to alternate with salt-vinegar rubs in restoring a fractured joint back to health.

    Almost a specific for backache, sprains, aching in joints, swellings, bruises, etc., would be: To one ounce of olive oil, add:

  • Russian white oil, 2 ounces
  • Witch hazel, V2 ounce
  • Tincture of benzoin, 1/2 ounce
  • Oil of sassafras, 20 minims
  • Coal oil (kerosene), 6 ounces

    "It'll be necessary to shake this together, for it will tend to separate; but a small quantity massaged in the cerebrospinal system or over sprains, joints, swellings, bruises will take out the inflammation or pain!" (326-5)


... we would prepare a compound to be massaged into the body, in these proportions and combined in the order named: To 4 ounces of Russian White Oil add...
Cedar Oil (Oil of the wood, NOT nut oil) 1/2 ounce
Oil of Pine 1/4 ounce,
Witchhazel 1 ounce,
Oil of Mustard 5 minims,
Coal Oil 2 ounces,
Tincture of Benzoin 1/2 ounce.
These will tend to separate as they stand in solution.
Before using as a massage shake well together and pour a small quantity into a saucer or open container. 
Begin with the massage on the spine at about the 9th dorsal area.
Massage in a circular motion to the lower end of the spine, all the body will absorb. 
Then begin along the hips and down to the lower portion of the feet and ankles, where the swelling tends to come at times. 
We would also begin then in the brachial area, or at the 1st and 2nd dorsal, massaging to  the points of the shoulder blades and out the arms. 
Then a little to the base of the brain. 
This we would do at least every other day, requiring about thirty minutes; take this much time in the massage, not too severe but gently.

Pine Needle Oil

  • Increases red blood cell counts and lowers blood pressure.
  • Cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris.
  • Stimulates the metabolism and enzyme systems by enriching the blood.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body.
  • Stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity, indigestion and a host of other complaints.
  • Restores alkalinity to the blood.
  • Aids in elimination of Parasites, Candida, viruses, bacterial infections, nail fungus and other fungi, and mold from the body, including the blood and brain because it contains the C10 molecule.
  • Alkaline minerals help reduce over acidity in the blood and have been used successfully to relieve various internal pains, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal tract complaints.
  • Detoxes the liver and bloodstream, chemically neutralizing various environmental pollutants including radiation, and protects the blood.
  • Strengthens the cells.
  • Creates nitric oxide inside the blood vessels, making the blood vessels more elastic and supple, while cleaning out plaque buildup.
  • Fights tumors and neutralizes toxins (without the side effects of further toxicity as occurs with drugs which also inhibit natural cell destroying agents).
  • Neutralizes and digests toxins from cells, including cadmium, nicotine, strontium, polyvinyl chloride and mercury.
  • Effectively transports nutrients into every cell of the body.
  • Contains liquid oxygen. Oxygen is vital to many body processes: it stimulates digestion (the oxidation of food), promotes clearer thinking (the brain utilizes 25% of the body's oxygen supply), and protects the blood against anaerobic bacteria. Cancer cells cannot exist in the presence of oxygen.
  • Provides tremendous increase in energy levels when consumed daily.


Historically used for skin problems in has been found to relieve arthritic pain and rheumatism.
Sassafras used to treat gastrointestinal problems. It can be applied with a light massage, over the abdomen. It can also work as a painkiller. The sassafras oil even has anti parasitic properties and can control lice and other insect bites. The sassafras oil has been known to treat bronchitis, lung problems, syphilis, typhus; acne, psoriasis, eczema, dropsy and many others skin disease especially when applied topically.


Edgar Cayce's reading 1553-6 used benzoin to calm the nerves while stimulating circulation.
Aids in digestion, pancreatic functioning, increases elasticity, eases depression and heal fissures.

Oil of Olive

Oil of Olive has been used since the days of Christ, known for it's healing properties, which contain olecanthal, which inhibits inflammatory enzymes.

Oil of Peanut

Edgar Cayce readings included oil of peanut blended with olive and pine oil for treatment of arthritis.


Edgar Cayce's reading 1553-6 used benzoin to calm the nerves while stimulating circulation.
Benzoin aids in digestion, pancreatic functioning, increases elasticity, eases depression and heal fissures.


Folk people have used Lanolin for skin moisturizing since the time of the ancient Greeks.
Lanolin has a natural moisturizing and emollient action on the human skin, which it protects in the same way as the grease on the sheep's wool protects it from the weather and climatic conditions.

Its ability to moisturize the skin is related to its water binding capacity.

Lanolin is absorbed by the stratum corneum where it reduces excessive moisture loss, thereby restoring softness and elasticity, especially to dry or chapped skin. Shepherds and industrial workers who are in constant contact with wool are renowned for the softness of their hands.